Sunday, December 05, 2010

My boots

I dug out some hiking boots the other day to walk in the cold-but-not-too-snowy streets. These are the boots that took me to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. (I have been madly searching for a photo of me at Uhuru peak & I can't find any) BOOO

The boots also accompanied me on the girls trip to end all road trips at Mount Robson. I say it ended all road trips because the 5 of us haven't been together since that epic trip in August 2004. I am also failing to locate one of these photos*sigh*

I smiled in my hiking boots on the way down to the library reminiscing about the journeys they have led me through, and the people who supported me on those hikes. I confess that I'm giddy thinking about where else these boots might take me; but I'll also confess how content I am to remove them, fold myself up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate (or a glass of red wine) & a good book. Funny how exotic Uhuru peak sounds compared to tromping through suburban Alberta streets...but that's part of the smile- who would ever guess where these boots have been?

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