Monday, November 22, 2010

Shorts, quick-dry t-shirt, shades, & flip flops

I laughed as I prepared myself to leave the house last week.

Shimmy into tights- the thick ones meant for winter wear. Trousers. Undershirt, sweater scarf. Boots, winter coat, mittens, 2nd scarf, toque &/or ear muffs. What did I forget today? I think I've got it covered. Deep breath & a pause before opening the door. The blast of cold air sends tears down my cheeks, nose hairs burning & as I quick step down the stairs- a brief coughing fit because my lungs don't know where the hot hot heat has gone. 2 minutes into my walk I cannot see though my glasses because they are completely fogged over. I hustle to the bus depot blind- tripping on hidden curbs & ice patches that have been covered over by a layer of snow dust.

I settle in for my short bus ride and remember what I've forgotten- Kleenex. Drat. My nose is pouring with the bus heat turned up to full blast. I think for a minute how I would prefer to dash out of the house in my shorts, ball cap & patapatas. Toes sweating & covered in dust rather than numb inside my boots. But today I've bought a pair of proper winter boots & have decided that since I'm here for the long haul & winter doesn't seem to be going anywhere- I might as well make the most of it. I plan to bundle up & get over this cold already. The forecast is also calling for temperatures above freezing by the end of the week- wooty!

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