Tuesday, April 01, 2008

There’s no April fool-ing

It’s been quite the morning.
Our hot water tank has broken down…it seems that when this happens it takes weeks to repair*gah*. In the meantime we heat water in a basin & later dump it into the tub- not ideal, but a reasonable temporary solution. Except that this morning the electricity cut; BOO for less than lukewarm baths.

Let’s hope this morning is a big ol’ joke & the week gets progressively better as April pushes on!


Anonymous said...

ok so I am a little behind in reading this, but the ole thesis got in the way! but seriously hot baths in Afica!? c'mon, in JA we never used hotwater, surely it is not actually cold water.! nesh! lol

Anonymous said...

ps it is clara, couldn't remember how to long on