Friday, January 26, 2007

I saw a monkey on my walk to work this morning!

It's really random; it's kind of like seeing a deer or coyote in West Edmonton. Funnier still were the couple of Zambians marveling under the tree- I'm telling you, wild animals generally do not set up camp in the Capital city of African countries.

I had an equally as random dream- I dreamt I was skiing- snow skiing! I've definitely been missing the mountains...but I didn't think it was that bad. I could have understood water skiing, but the snow really threw me for a loop.

Confession: Last week/weekend I managed to watch The Gods Must be Crazy parts I & II...& all I can think about is if it rains again this weekend- I'm going to watch parts III & IV! (Did anyone know there were FOUR parts? I think I've only ever seen the first two). Brilliant.

This week I also decided I would indulge in grapes. You know, the red seedless ones. They're pretty expensive in Zed, but I thought- let me sate this craving. Time & time again I'm shocked at how much better the fruit is here than in Canada...I ate a big bunch & didn't have one bad one!

Does life get better than this? Or am I truly too easy to please?! And it's Friday again- sa-weet!!

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